If your lower back curves when you are on your back, it can be really uncomfortable to sleep on. Most will turn to one side to go around the pain, but side sleeping has its risks – like a raised hip from a tight “QL” muscle.
Q: What’s a nice way to sleep on your back?
A: Put a pillow under your thighs!
Q: Why do you have a curved lower back?
A: “Anterior Pelvic Tilt” might be the answer:
All that needs to be done to correct this imbalance is:
Some of The Weak Muscles: Gluteus Maximus & Gluteus Medius (the glutes), Transversus Abdominis (deep core muscles)
Some of the Overactive Muscles: Psoas & Iliacus (the hip flexors)
There are both workouts and stretches available for these muscles under All Workouts »
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